Monday, March 01, 2004


I am told Lord of the Rings duly won best film by someone who cares about these things. This is the very least it should have won - those 3 movies should win best film for the next decade. HOWEVER, I would like 1 small rant about L.o.t.R., or more specfically, Liv Tyler. What is it about Liv Tyler that gets people so excited?

She has, unfortunately for her, inherited mainly her fathers looks. This would be fine if she was a heavy metal singer, but she isn't. She also can't act to save her life. Even though most of the time she is in shot she is soft focus (apparently to convey some form of mystical immortality) she still manages to look like a horse chewing a stinging nettle.

If you haven't seen the movie and don't want an idea of what happens at the end, stop reading now!

The least believable part of the entire rings trilogy, and remember this is a movie featuring wizards, magical rings, awks, hobbits, ents, giants etc etc..., is at the end when Aragorn picks Liv over the cute blonde who is a dab hand hand with a sword. There he is, being crowned king, having vanquished the forces or Mordor, single-handedly killed zillions of Awks and giants and generally been a pretty much all-round super hero, and up rolls Liv looking doped out, again, and he drops little blondey faster than Wendell Sailor trying to catch a rugby ball.

I just don't get it.