Friday, March 19, 2004


especially for all those (Germaine, Attila, kennycan etc..) who pointed (either in comments or to me directly) to Poland's participation in the war (all 2,000 troops) as evidence that "New Europe" was behind the U.S. come what may...

"Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski says his country was misled about the alleged threat from Iraqi weapons of mass destruction."

He goes on, as Blair and Bush have both done, to then justify the war on the grounds that "Iraq today, without Saddam Hussein, is a much better place than Iraq with Saddam Hussein," .

This I don't doubt, and I do agree with removing him. But I do not agree with lying to your allies, (and then having them lie to their people) to get other countries to support you, and then changing your reason for going in after the event.

If the U.S. want to get rid of sadistic brutal dictators then have the balls to say so, and you will have my full support. But don't stop just at the oil-rich sadisitic brutal dictators (sorry if I sound a bit cynical). Be consistent and work your way through the remainder srtarting with most of the rest of the Arab world, North Korea, Zimbabwe, the Congo etc etc...

Also for those who are surprised at the proposed Spanish withdrawal - don't be too surprised if the Poles follow suit after the next election - "Some polls suggest public support for Poland's role in Iraq has declined to 35%."