Wednesday, March 17, 2004


Fumier, in a superb and 100% true rant about IKEA, also makes the point that Saabs are not exactly top of the line either.

I have long held a similar view of Saabs but fortunately there were never that many in the UK so I didn't have to worry about it too much. Here however there seem to be loads, particularly, as again Fumier points out, shagged old yellow Saab convertibles.

So I wonder why would anyone buy a Saab?

They're not as well-built as Mercedes, not as nice to drive as BMWs, not as fast as Porsches, not as safe as Volvos, not as reliable, well-equipped or cheap as Japanese cars, and as ugly as sin.

They are truly the car you buy when you have finally given up on life and no longer give a monkeys about anything, or what anyone else thinks about you. They are totally and utterly pointless.

They are also almost always driven by deaf and blind idiots who have clearly never seen a road, let alone a road sign before.

The only possible excuse for driving one is that you are Swedish and patriotic, but even that logic is flawed as they are now owned by General Motors. And there simply can't be that many Swedes in Hong Kong.