Monday, March 15, 2004


I'm trying my best to be cheerful and happy today, but at the back of my mind is the nagging knowledge that I am supposed to be in Bali!.

I had a great 5 day trip planned with Mrs Chariot involving a lot of lying around doing not very much. Neither of us has ever been to Bali before and we were both really looking forward to getting there on Friday evening for 5 days off.

Then the girl I work(ed) with got it in to her head to quit 2 weeks ago to go and work for a crappy english bank. So suddenly I'm a 1 man show and our 5 days in Bali are canned, as are our 2 weeks in South Africa in April visiting the in-laws and working our way round the Cape's finest wineries (the greatest thing about having a pregnant wife is she is always the designated driver!).

So if occasionally I seem a bit pissed off at life, maybe as though life is getting me down, and I'm a little abrupt in my posts or responses, it's cos I AM a bit pissed off! Bah humbug.