Wednesday, March 24, 2004


It has been known for ages that the Russians basically can't afford to maintain their armed forces, but the worlds real main powers all play along with the line that the Russians are still a major world power in an effort to prevent the Russian simply admitting defeat and selling their arms (including nuclear weapons) off to the highest bidder.

Now it seems it has reached crisis point, with their flagship being ordered back to port. The story was swiftly changed from "potential nuclear disaster" to "unsatisfactory accomodation" but does anyone really believe that a Russian naval ship would be ordered back to port because it's accomodation had suddenly become unsaatisafactory when it had been fine before (unless of course perhaps the accomodation quarters now glow at night due to radiation exposure and the crew can't sleep?).

This does however present a potential solution a few of the worlds problems. Perhaps we could start parking ageing Russian warships and subs off the coasts of places such as North Korea, Algeria and Saudi Arabia and waiting for them to explode, conveniently taking out a hostile regime in an act which can be described as an accident and solving the Russians problems of not having the capacity to decommission their fleet at the same time.

Of course Greenpeace would complain but otherwise I think I may have hit on winner.