Monday, February 09, 2004



Chores. After a tiring week in Singapore I managed to get some sleep finally on Friday night / Saturday morning. Finally rose at about 10.30 when I was presented with a gurgling 7mth old. Spent the day doing chores. Nothing worth noting I'm afraid, although we did take delivery of our new TV cabinet thingy. Looks great, just needs a 50inch plasma to go with it now...


WEATHER MOANS (I am English after all)

I am looking out of our office window this morning and I can see for miles. There is not a cloud in the sky and there is bright sunshine everywhere. Where the bloody hell was this when I needed it yesterday? I spent the day sailing. I crew on a boat that normally races on Saturday afternoons in HK harbour, but this weekend as a special treat we spent the whole of Sunday racing off the bottom of Lamma Island amongst the parked container ships. It was miserable. 9 deg, grey cloud, rain that varied between spitting (very appropriate for HK) and torrential, waves that broke over the boat. I had 2 layers of waterproofs on and still ended up soaked to the skin. This type of weather was the reason I never sailed in the UK, and came to HK in the first place.
Memo to self. Next time weather looks crap, feign illness / injury. Actually I think that may be my final outing. It's become a chore rather than a pleasure, and I'm sick of being near the back of the fleet!

Then last night watched the Cider House Rules. Actually quite enjoyed it despite the lack of any notable form of action, but why-oh-why did Michael Caine have to try to do an American/Irish accent? Everyone knows Michael Caine can only play 1 role, and that is being Michael Caine. He should never, ever attempt anything else as it is outside his abilities and just makes him look ridiculous.