Tuesday, February 03, 2004


If the by now infamous "wardrobe malfunction" (what an inspired description - whoever came up with that should win a prize) wasn't supposed to happen, then why was Ms Jacksons top held together by what appears to have been nothing more than velcro? The piece that was removed by Justin Timberlake appears to have come off very easily, without actually tearing anything, and leaving a conveniently sized and shaped hole behind. I certainly couldn't just tear a piece exactly the right size and shape out an ordinary cotton shirt, let alone the leather jacket / shirt thing Ms Jackson was wearing.

I can't believe neither MTV nor CBS knew it was coming. Just look at all the free publicity they've had.

Alternatively perhaps the WHO organised it so that CNN would have something else to report on other than the fact that we are apparently all going die from bird-flu despite all the evidence to the contrary.