Wednesday, February 11, 2004


i can understand the logic of bombing the opposition, even if I don't agree with it, but bombing your own side?

the latest suicide bomb in Iraq was aimed fair and square at Iraqis, even if they were queuing up to join the american-organised police force.

I can only assume that what little logic there is in this is aimed at scaring the local population away from aligning themselves with the U.S. led coalition currently running the country, although there have also been "revelations" from the U.S. that thay have uncovered a plan by Al-Qaeda to attempt to destabilise Iraq by turning Shia muslims against Sunni muslims which could also be an explanation.

Either way I would have thought that the U.S. are quietly pleased at this developement. Surely it has to be a sign of desperation when the extremists start turning on their own people and their own support base. It does highlight their inability to mount any form of meaningful attack on U.S. soil or against U.S. forces outside the States.

While I wish George Bush had had the balls to admit up front that he wanted to get rid of Saddam because he thought he was an evil bastard who was potentially harbouring extremists rather than come up with some cock-and-bull story about W.M.D. (if he had then I would have supported the war), I will admit that taking out Afghanistan and Iraq has certainly dealt a pretty powerful blow to the lunatic fringe. Let's hope it proves a fatal blow.