Wednesday, February 11, 2004


Someone I'd never heard of until a few weeks ago, has won a largely inconsequential vote in a minor state which I think is somewhere about half-way down the east coast , in the race for leadership of a party which appears to this outsider to be indistunguishable from the current incumbents. If he gets the leadership then he will have the chance to run against Bush for the U.S. presidency and the title "leader of the free world" despite the fact that 95% of the worlds population live outside American borders.

Senator Kerry's main claim to the White House appears to that he sounds like Mayor Quimby from the Simpsons. On the plus side, this would allow the rest of the world to laugh out loud at the U.S president, instead of their current policy of sniggering quietly behind their hands lest he hear them and invade.

The scary thought is..... there is still 9 MONTHS to go till the actual election. It's democracy by endurance, not popular opinion.