Monday, July 12, 2004


For once it’s not Greece that is causing the fiasco, but the athletes themselves.

As I’m sure everyone knows athletes everywhere have been tarnished with revelations about use of the previously undetectable steroid THG. This has been particularly the case in the USA, where several high-profile athletes are under suspicion or investigation for possible steroid use.

Two of the top athletes incriminated are Tim Montgomery, the 100m World Record Holder, and his girlfriend Marion Jones, the reigning Olympic Womens 100m Champion.

This weekend was the US Olympic trials. They hold races and the top 2, 3 or 4 depending on the sport qualify – simple process.

Since Jones and Montgomery are both under suspicion of drug use, and authorities can now detect THG, obviously they would have to be extra careful to ensure they are totally, 100%, clean as they are bound to be tested.

Guess where each came….

Marion Jones finished fifth. Tim Montgomery finished seventh. Neither will be in the 100m at the Olympics.

Surprise surprise. Suddenly they’re not as fast as they were.

On a related note I heard an interview on the radio with the ex-coach of the most-famous drug cheat, Ben Johnson. His comment was that all athletes in all sports are on drugs, and authorities efforts are not even scratching the surface of drug-use. The interviewer then said something along the lines of “surely we should try to stamp it out to ensure a level playing-field for all.” His reply was very damning. He said “It is a level playing-field already, it’s just not the one you think it is”!

Another reason to not bother to watch the Olympics.