Friday, September 10, 2004


Germany's Economics minister says beer is so healthy it should be available on the country's health service.

Minister Wolfgang Clement, 64, who can reportedly down a beer in 1.5 seconds, claims he can't get enough of the brew.

"People should be able to get prescriptions for beer through the national health system," he said.

The positive effects of beer were recently confirmed in a paper by Austrian professor Manfred Walzl of the Graz neurological clinic.

According to Walzl, beer reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack, improves circulation, and even acts as an aphrodisiac - if not taken to excess.

He says men can drink up to 1.75 pints a day, and women half of that, in order to experience the healthy effects of beer.

It's almost enough to make me wish I was German.

Only "almost" though
