Wednesday, September 08, 2004


It was nice to see this morning that No.1 son is showing signs of following in his dad's footsteps. To maintain my lean sporting physique I obviously watch what I consume - my body is a temple after all. Thus this morning for breakfast I decided to tuck into a couple of (or maybe it was 3?) slices of Salami Piccante Pizza from Pizzeria Italia that I found in the fridge.

No.1 son was being offered organic muesli, organic egg, and organic banana by Saint Juliet, the world's best amah.

He took 1 look at Dad's breakfast and that was it. He slapped away the proffered spoon of healthy goo and lots of wailing and lots of arm waving ensued until dad gave him a big chunk of pizza, much to Juliet's disgust. Immediately peace and calm returned, and a contented smile spread over his 14mth old face.

A true bonding moment. Dad and son tucking into cold pizza together. Not quite what the baby books would recommend maybe but what the heck.

Good lad.