Monday, April 26, 2004


This weekend was the straw that broke the camel's back.

If I have to do 1 more tour of Stanley Market, The Peak, Felix, Ladies Market etc etc I shall be forced to commit murder on a massive scale.

Any who do these people all insist on staying with you for days on end, and then get up in the morning and say helpful things like - "where are you taking us today?" Can't they read a guide book and work out for themselves where to go, and then hopefully go there under their own steam?

Does it not occur to them that perhaps I have better things to do with my weekend than fight my way to the Ladies Market in the deepest bowels of the Dark Side just to watch someone else buy another bloody fake LV bag?

I know they mean well, and it's great to see people, but why do they all switch their brains off the minute they arrive, especially people who have been here before and can fend quite happily for themselves.

From now on only immediate and friendly family (in my family "immediate" does not necessarily mean "friendly", in fact it often means the exact opposite) get the full tourist treatment. Close friends may stay but will have to fend for themselves around the sights, and not so close friends can bu**er off to a hotel and I'll see them for a beer in the evening.

The milk of human kindness has run dry.