Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Just been in the gym.

Heard a hairdryer spring into life in the changing room afterwards and turned round to see who on earth was using a hairdryer so I could avoid them in the future (let's be honest - only one type of man would ever use a hairdryer in a gym changing room - the sort who hang around the weights in lycra shorts but are never actually seen lifting anything (apart from their shirts maybe) ) .

Anyway imagine my surprise when it wasn't someone pouting into the mirror. It was in fact a late middle-aged, bald asian gentleman who was using it.

Note the word bald.

That only leaves 3 possible places he could be using it.

And it wasn't his armpits he was drying with that blast of superheated air.


(The temptation to include the words "blow" and "job" into this post was very strong but I managed to resist in the interest of family friendly blogging)