Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ashley Madison

Anyone else think that's a really funny story?

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Malaysia - the cracks are beginning to show

The slide to third world status continues as they start to harass foreign journalists

Nothing says there's something to hide like trying to muzzle the press.

And this is why I didn't blog from Singapore. They're not much better and would probably uphold this sort of warrant.  

Apple TV. I love it, but.....

I love Apple TV but for the love of God PLEASE MAKE THE REMOTES BIGGER. Or fit some sort of "find my Apple TV remote" function. Some of us have kids. Their ability to lose things is unparalleled. 

Rugby World Cup

shout in the unlikely event anyone has spare tickets!

The Business Section

The Business Section

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Malaysia. Approach with caution

Superb. I would say only in Malaysia, but actually this could happen in most of Asia given the levels of corruption. Anyway it seems the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission has decided that the $650million found in Prime Minister Najib Razak's bank account was a donation, and in no way related to the $650million hole in the finances of government entity 1MDB.

So that's alright then.

Having spent several years living just across the causeway in Singapore, visiting Malaysia always felt like a visit to the second world. Nice smooth motorways with slum towns and villages on either side. Some ok, but not really maintained infrastructure surrounded by crap. It's stories like this that remind you that in fact in most ways it's really the third world with a few shiny towers and buildings thrown in. Anyone contemplating investing in anything Malaysian should assume it will go pear-shaped and treat any other outcome as a huge result. And don't forget to budget for the bribes. 

Monday, August 03, 2015

Let's try again

Going to have another go at this. Trying to play with sidebars etc so apologies if it all goes a bit pear-shaped now and then. Can't remember how to do all that formatting malarkey. I'm sure it'll come back.

In the meantime, there is a new "business section" which is in fact a separate blog I started scribbling some thoughts on a few years ago - It's Crunch Time.

Of course now instead of a job I have a life. So instead of sitting at a computer with nothing better to do than write this drivel I'm afraid I will often be out and about doing something or other (now living in Switzerland which means there is always a mountain out there just asking for someone to hike up it or slide down it) so posts are likely to be occasional, but I thought what the heck. It was a bit of fun 10 years ago. Let's see if it still is.
