Monday, November 21, 2011

I'm back, and this time i really mean it.... until i can think of a decent title for a new blog anyway.

I'm newly unemployed in Singapore, and loving it. No more pointless meetings, no more stupid forms to fill in, or HR requests, or online training on how to pick up a box, or targets or "KPI"s to worry about.

And best of all, I'm no longer on the "private side" of the chinese wall in banking, which means I can blog and comment on whatever I want without fear of compliance breathing down my neck.


As long as i can remember how blogger works of course.

Only thing now is to find something to comment on, and the current debacle seems to be an obvious place to start, so let's go with this as an opener from today's Daily Telegraph.

Taxpayer to take on mortgage risks of first-time buyers

They have to be kidding surely.

They themselves say "Everyone agrees now that in the past Britain’s economy had become lopsided – too dependent on debt, consumption and financial services." yet somehow the solution is to offer to guarantee yet more debt? And at the same time they're going to ramp up supply, almost guaranteeing price falls, and taxpayer losses.

Genius. Only a politician could come up with that.